Audio post-production
The public broadcaster holds the unifying power of sports in high regard. Under the motto 'It's up to us,' VRT made maximum efforts to foster a collective experience of the 2022 World Cup. The broadcaster aimed to involve everyone, young and old, as much as possible in Sporza's coverage of the tournament, its context, and the additional content across all its channels and brands. Together, we supported the Red Devils on their journey to the final. After the quarterfinals in 2014 and the third place in 2018, the 'golden generation' once again made an ultimate bid for the World Cup.
Frederik Delaplace, CEO of VRT, stated: "It's up to us, the supporters of the Red Devils, to stand together behind our team and give them a strong push forward. It's up to us, VRT, to make that possible under the best conditions, with the best coverage, the clearest analysis of the World Cup but also of the controversial host country, and the warmest atmosphere. And to involve everyone in this, regardless of age, background, or origin. The only thing the Red Devils have to do then is say, 'It's up to us, we're taking that cup.' Piece of cake."
For the first time, the World Cup will be played in winter. Therefore, VRT chose the iconic Wintercircus in Ghent as the central hub for its offerings on radio, television, and online, as the base camp for various editorial teams, and as a reception and experience space for fans and supporters. The public broadcaster collaborates closely with the City of Ghent for this purpose.
Mathias De Clercq, Mayor of Ghent, said: "This is an ideal way to introduce our recently renovated Wintercircus building to the general public. For more than a month, the Wintercircus and our city will be in the spotlight every day."
Agency : VRT
Filmproduction by Wenneker
Audio post-production by Studio Thinkntalk
Source article VRT : https://www.vrt.be/nl/over-de-vrt/nieuws/2022/10/10/beleef-het-wk-voetbal-met-vrt-tisaanons/